At Bumblebee Plumbing and Heating we offer a taylor made service for landlords and managing agents.
We understand the frustrations that are faced on a daily basis when dealing with numerous properties. So we have set about creating a solution to each aspect of the managing process.
Fed up of ringing the tenants to see when they are in then ringing the engineer to find he’s too busy?
Well we do the organising for you. Give us the tenants details and a member of our team will liaise with the tenant and book the job in to our real time engineer diary system.
Are you tired of chasing your gas man for their CP12 certificates and invoices?
We know that without this paperwork you are unable to charge the landlord so we have an instant PDF certification and invoicing system meaning that you will never wait for our paperwork.
Do you find it difficult to stay on top of who’s certificates are due and when?
Bumblebee Plumbing and Heating save all of the customers/ tenants details including the certificate due dates. On the anniversary of the last certificate we will send you a reminder via email to say we are going to get the following addresses sorted and you just simply reply with your consent! Couldn’t be easier.
Problems matching invoices with your own referencing system?
We can infiltrate your reference numbers to tally up with our invoices avoiding any confusion.
We are fully insured and have a public liability of up to 2million pounds. All of our engineers are Gas safe and we have over 15 years experience in the service and repair sector.
Bumblebee Plumbing and Heating are buzzing about service and rest assured with our fairly priced service nobody gets stung!

Landlords &
Estate Agents
Call us today to take the stress out of your property’s plumbing and heating maintenance
Or email the team at
Landlords &
Estate Agents
Call us today to take the stress out of your property’s plumbing and heating maintenance
01925 713 293 Or email the team at

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Bumblebee Plumbing & Heating are proud to be voted Top 3 Plumbers in Warrington on Three Best Rated.

Bumblebee Plumbing & Heating are proud winners of the Best Boiler & Heating Installer in the North West!

To make an enquiry or ask any questions, please submit the form below and we will get back to you very soon.
...or alternatively call us on 01925 713293 or email us at